Planner coding, simple or detailed, is a very effective system that helps create efficiency in your planning system & note-taking. Whether you are using Plan With Bee inserts that have built in coding columns or simply using a basic notebook, this technique will help to elevate your system & take away a little bit of the overwhelm from long task lists & more.
In the video below, I explain what planner coding is, how to achieve it, show you how I personally use it in a very simple way through my planning system and also give you ideas for other ways you can use coding in your system. You can get as detailed and specific as you want! Whatever HELPS YOU to create a planning system that works FOR YOU.
Oh did I mention?! There is also a free printable planner card that accompanies this video! This planner card can easily be tucked into your planner while trying to figure out a way you might be able to use a coding system in your planner. It has a triggers list on it of some ideas you can use to get started. But there are hundreds of things you can code, so perhaps this will unlock some new ideas for you for planner coding. To download the freebie, simply go to my FREEBIES PAGE and click the “Planner Coding Triggers List Card” image to be brought to the download.

I hope this helps you create a planning system that works for you a little better, despite my overly tired mess-ups towards the end of the video in one of the segments LOL, I was going off of only a few hours of sleep when I filmed. Hopefully you can still decipher the point I was trying to make haha!
Enjoy everyone!